Fear not, for this is a completely legitimate and totally innocent website. No dark arts at play here. Just move along, and DO NOT look too deeply.

🔍 Search for anything (normal, law-abiding things, of course): search.not-a-c2-server.fyi

💬 Share your most private—I mean, completely non-sensitive information here: paste.not-a-c2-server.fyi

📚 Peruse the sacred texts of the digital realm: redlib.not-a-c2-server.fyi

🔥 Summon a meal in the cyber realm with your definitely not enchanted keystrokes: chef.not-a-c2-server.fyi

🧙‍♂️ THE MYSTICAL IP REVEALS ITSELF! 🧙‍♂️ — A simple, harmless series of numbers, floating in the ether. Nothing to see here, traveler.

📡 Also, there is a DNS server. Why? WHO CAN SAY? Perhaps it is a whisper of the digital gods, or perhaps... something more. But we wouldn't know anything about that.